Friday, August 23, 2019

The deets...

Who we are...

The Book Blogger Cooperative came about after an afternoon brainstorming session that included two authors, a few cats, a couple of sweet treats and an abundance of caramel macchiatos.

What we do...

We help connect authors with bloggers who have open space on their blogging calendar but simply don't have the content to continually drive traffic to their blog.
In turn, we also connect authors who are looking for exposure and aren't sure where to find it.

Why are we doing this? 

Let's face it, blogging has gotten away from many of us. And in truth, it just doesn't garner the attention it once did. There are a lot of blogs out there for readers to peruse. So, it becomes hard to stand out among the crowd. But, with teamwork, and an entire community of book lovers working together, we may just turn that downward spiral around and bring blogging back to what it once was. Or who knows... maybe we'll make it even better! 😁

How does it work? 

For the host... It's simple. Just sign up to be a guest host, which means you are willing to host authors on your blog during a time frame the author requests. Accepting every guest is not mandatory. We understand that not all content is fitting for all blogs. However, we do ask that you try to host as many authors as you are capable of doing.

For the guest... Again, it's simple. Just fill out any of our three forms and submit it along with your preferred date range.

Then... Once an author has submitted her request to be a guest, we'll send out a word document with .jpg images, or an HTML code for either Blogger or Wordpress to those who have signed up to host. It is then that we ask the blogger to let us know if they are able to host the guest, and if so, provide us with the date and link.

Once the post goes live... We will share the post on our social networks which has tens of thousands of followers across Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

How much does this cost? 

The host and guest connection explained above is completely free.

With that said, there are more in-depth services listed below that you may be interested in below.


3 Day Tour with 7 guaranteed stops + a custom banner

5 Day Tour with 10 guaranteed stops + a custom banner

10 Day Tour with 20 guaranteed stops + a custom banner


Have any questions? 
Leave a message below, or use our "Contact Us" option and we'll get back to you within 72 hours.

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The deets...

Who we are... The Book Blogger Cooperative came about after an afternoon brainstorming session that included two authors, a few cats, a ...